Abstract – Shumi, D., Afeta, T. & Nuguse, R. (2021), AJITASR Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-6, March.

Participatory Varietal Evaluation and Selection of Shiro-type Field Pea in Highland Districts of Guji zone

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted in Bore on station and farmers field of Bore, Dama and Anna Sora districts of Guji Zone in 2021 main cropping season. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate released field pea varieties for their adaptability and yield potential with the involvement of farmers and to recommend the best performing varieties for field pea producing areas of Guji highland. The experiment was laid out in RCB Design with three replications. Five nationally and regionally released varieties were included in the experiment. The combined analysis of variance showed significant difference (P<0.05) among varieties for number of pods plant-1 , hundred seed weight and seed yield. Bursa and Weib were the best yielding varieties with seed yield 4463 and 4410 kg ha-1 , respectively. Farmers evaluated and selected the varieties depending on their own criteria’s. Based on farmers’ selection criteria, Bilalo and Bursa were selected as the first top ranking varieties respectively. Therefore, these two varieties are recommended for Bore, Ana Sorra, Dama and similar agro ecologies of Guji Zone for production and scaling up programs.

Keywords: Field Pea: Varieties: Participatory Selection: Shiro-Type