Abstract – Ojedapo, L. O. & Adewuyi, S. A. (2022). – AJITASR Vol. 1(4), pp. 1-11, September 2022

Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Birds as Affected by Sex and Genotype

Abstract:The objective of this study is to determine the effect of sex and genotype on carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. A total of 150 day-old chicks of three commercial broiler strains comprising of 50 chicks per strain (Marshall, Arbor Acre and Cobb) were used. Each strain was identified with wing tag and was kept in separate pen in an environmentally controlled brooder house. A total number of 20 males and 30 females per strain was further separated and kept in separate pen. Carcass weights such as wing, drumstick, thigh, shank, neck, head, breast and back, while internal organs like proventriculus, heart, gizzard, liver, spleen, kidney, intestinal offal, abdominal fat, crop and lungs were recorded. Overall, genotype has significant effect (p<0.05) on all carcass and internal organs traits except abdominal fat. Arbor Acre recorded the highest weights in shank, thigh, breast, back heart, liver, spleen, intestinal offal, crop and lungs, while Cobb recorded highest weights in wings, drumstick, head, proventriculus and kidney while Marshall recorded the highest weight in neck and gizzard. Also, sex significantly (p<0.05) affected the carcass and internal organs traits, males recorded heavier weight in shank, thigh, breast, back, neck, heart, gizzard, liver, kidney, abdominal fat, crop, lungs while female were heavier in wings, drumstick, head, proventriculus, spleen and intestinal offal. Genotype x sex significantly (p<0.05) influenced all carcass and internal organs traits.

Keywords: Genotype: Sex: Broiler chicken: Carcass Characteristics