Abstract – Desalegn, F. E. (2023). – AJITASR Vol. 2(5), pp. 1-14, September, 2023

Signification of Urban Planning in the Provision of Infrastructure in Selected Towns of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: The study was to assess the importance of urban planning in the provision of infrastructure in selected towns (Bishoftu, Shashemene, Ambo and Fiche towns) in Oromia region. Urban planning is a mechanism of shaping and guiding the physical growth of the town. It plays a vital role to ensure the growth and development of urban centers. If properly planned & implemented, it contributes to the infrastructure provision. To do so, the methodology employed was descriptive & explanatory research design. Both qualitative & quantitative research approaches were followed. To conduct this study, primary and secondary data were collected. The primary data were collected from 344 households and 151 experts of the towns proportionally. The sample size of households was determined by the rule of thumb. The tools used were questionnaires, interview, focus group discussion, observation, document review and GPS. To collect the data, the tools were pre-tested & then pilot was taken to check for errors and any ambiguity. Analyses were done using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics include, mean & standard deviation, and cross tabulation to compute the level of response of each town respondent. Moreover, the inferential statistics were binary logistic regression and Spearman’s Rank Correlation. The finding of the study revealed that for the full implementation of the structural plan as the required standard there still need much to work in the towns. Together with this, untold is expected from the towns’ administration and Oromia Urban Planning Institute. The cause for the poor plan implementation was emanated from the planning phases. With regard to the status of infrastructure in the sample towns, the result confirmed that some infrastructures are relatively at better condition while some of them need attention. In line with this, the research identified the major challenges in the provision of infrastructure in accordance to the structural plans. Accordingly, the major challenges were financial bottleneck, lack of integration and composition, technical capacity, administrative problems, low commitment, weak stakeholders’ participation, lack of regular monitoring and evaluation and low top management support. The stronger determinants of adequate infrastructure provision are top management support, coordination & integration of sectors, commitment, stakeholders’ participation, skilled manpower, & awareness creation. In addition, monitoring & evaluation & sufficient budget had medium effect. Thus, the research recommended that strengthening integration of sectors, assigning the right persons at right places, promoting stakeholders’ participation, enhancing top management support, conducting frequent monitoring & maintaining the infrastructures at regular basis.
Keywords: Challenge: Determinant: Infrastructure: Oromia Urban Planning Institute: Structural Plan