Abstract – Barathiraja, K. (2022), ARJBSS Vol. 2(1), pp. 1-6, January.

Climate Change and Its Impact on Agriculture with Special Reference to Production System in India

Abstract: Agriculture production is directly dependent on climate change and weather. Climate change can bring positive and negative effects on Indian agriculture, India’s agriculture is more dependent on monsoon from the ancient periods. Any change in monsoon trend drastically affects agriculture. Even the increasing temperature is affecting the Indian agriculture. The term “weather” refers to the short-term (daily) changes in temperature, wind, and/or rainfall of a region. In the long run, the climatic change could affect agriculture in several ways such as quantity and quality of crops in terms of productivity, growth rates, photosynthesis and transpiration taxes, wetness accessibility etc. Climate change is likely to directly impact food production across the globe. Increase in the mean seasonal temperature can reduce the duration of many crops and hence reduce the yield. In areas where temperatures are already close to the physiological maxima for crops, warming will impact produces more immediately. Motorists of climate change through alterations in atmospheric arrangement can also influence food production directly by its impacts on plant physiology. The consequences of agriculture’s contribution to climate change, and of climate change’s negative impact on agriculture, are severe which is projected to have a great impact on food production and may threaten the food security and hence, need special agricultural measures to struggle with. In the Indo-Gangetic Plain, these pre monsoon changes will primarily affect the wheat crop (>0.5oC increase in time slice 2010-2039). In the states of Jharkhand, Odisha and Chhattisgarh alone, rice production losses during severe deficiencies (about one year in five) average about 40% of total production, with an estimated value of $800 million. The consequence of climate change poses many threats; one of the important significances is bringing about changes in the quality and quantity water resources and agriculture productivity This study focus on study about the climate change how affecting the agriculture production in India different regions.

Keywords: Climate Change: Impact: Agriculture Production: Temperature