Abstract – Erude, U. S., Mukoro, A. & Taiwo, I. (2024)., Vol. 4(2), pp. 1-18, March, 2024

Civic Engagement and Governance in Nigeria’s Public Service Sector

Abstract:This paper seeks to underscore the important role of civic engagement in governance in the public sector. What happens when citizens decide to get involve in the policy making of their community, society and/or country? The social capital theory was used to explain the relevance of organizing and actively participating in public matters. This paper is based on qualitative analysis using historical design that engaged journals, articles, publications, and the internet sources. From the findings, it is established that, the public service is the driver of the sociopolitical and economic growth of any society, that for governance to bring about affordable public goods and services it must be people centric. Also, for there to be good governance, the citizens must be actively involved in policy making. We went to highlight the importance of civic engagement which includes solving problems of homelessness, pollution, climate change, race and gender inclusiveness and food insecurity. The various interventions cum forms of citizens engagement were explained to include; activism/advocacy, civic learning, philanthropy/fundraising, community service volunteering, etcetera. In conclusion, the following recommendations were suggested: a deliberate effort to engaging and developing the next breed of leaders, accepting medium term strategies to building an inclusive government whilst working on the big picture of a society void of segregation, supporting persons lacking the financial muscles to compete with the political mafias cum machiavellians in the political space and etcetera.

Keywords: Civic Engagement: Governance: Public Service: Social Capital: Nigeria.